OrganicControl of Common Weeds - French

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Common Weeds : A safe environment
BY Jackie French

Nowadays, in conventional gardening and farming, weed 'control' means herbicides: chemicals have replaced good management for fertility and for pest, disease, and weed control.

We hate weeds. 'Weed' is the ultimate insult. But weeds can also be seen as soil repairers, an essential part of any farm or garden management.

In this completely revised edition of Organic Control of Common Weeds, Jackie French shows that weeds can be controlled using your own home-grown, natural herbicides in addition to mulching, solarisation or applications of urine, steam or boiling water - and a multitude of other cheap, environmentally safe and gentle techniques. Organic Control ofCommon Weedsby Jackie French. Paperback, 154  pages, 2006 edition
